18 Nov ’15: Publication of Report of Outcomes of Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, Phase II, Niger Delta Low Carbon Growth Initiative, 04-05 Nov ’15, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Today, Stakeholder Democracy Network and Carbon-Plus Capital, on behalf of the Partners and Sponsors of the Niger Delta Low Carbon Growth Initiative, released the results and outcomes of a one-and-a-half day Workshop, designed to engage stakeholders in a process of reviewing and strengthening plans for a pilot initiative designed to help Niger Delta’s transition to a low carbon economic future.  The Report sets out the objectives of the workshop, and the feedback of the stakeholders on its different aspect. These were presented through a Programme of briefing Sessions by the project development team each followed by a period of interrogation and feedback in the form of Breakout Groups.  These included SWOT Analysis of each key element of the proposed pilot and a Risk and Impact Assessment of the overall approach:

  •  Session 1: The Problem, Mr. Inemo Samiama, Stakeholder Democracy Network
  • Session 2: The Idea, Mr. Niall Marriott, Carbon-Plus Capital
  • Session 3: The Model, Pillar 1 – Sustainable Ecosystem Services Management, plus SWOT Analysis, Mr. Ochuko Odibo, Project Adviser
  • Session 4: The Model, Pillar 2 – Sustainable Natural Resource Management, plus SWOT Analysis, Mr. Ebenezar Asaah, Project Adviser
  • Session 5: The Model, Pillar 3 – Sustainable Public Services and Infrastructure Management, plus SWOT Analysis, Mr. Niall Marriott, Carbon-Plus Capital
  • Session 6: The Plan, plus Risk and Impact Analysis, Mr. Niall Marriott, Carbon-Plus Capital
Interspersed between these by presentations by a range of external speakers on different aspects of the enabling environment for low carbon economic development in Nigeria: 
  • Presentation 1: The Enabling Environment – The National Climate Change Strategy, Dr Samuel Adejuwon, Federal Department of Climate Change
  • Presentation 2: The Enabling Environment – Lessons from the Field, Cross River State REDD-plus Project, Mr. Odigha Odigha, Bayelsa State Ministry of Environment
  • Presentation 3: The Enabling Environment – Engaging the Skills, Knowledge and Expertise of Local Communities, Mr. Nnimmo Bassey, Health of Mother Earth Foundation

The Workshop is a key part of the project design process underpinning the Initiative and securing licence-to-operate from key actors and stakeholder including the Free Prior and Informed Consent of local communities.  The results will be used to refine the Work Plan for developing a fully researched and developed pilot project.

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